Monday, April 4, 2016

Insult Poem

You really stink
Your scent is like that of a mink
You show everyone your hair
But really we don’t even care

You walk around like you’re cool
But in fact you’re just a fool
You look like poo
When you walk by I can only scream “eww”

When I leave the house I want to get away

But when I walk in the door you say you’re here to stay

When I hear that it breaks my heart
Now the have to roll me away on a cart

I just can’t stand you
You look like a witch who turns kids into stew
Go on now, back to your cave
And while you’re at it quit treating me like you’re slave.

The Wind

The trees snap as I rip through the forest
The dirt rises from the ground as I walk
The water turns to a mist as I sprint
The clouds follow along as I fly beside them

I carry seeds with me as I travel
Devastation sometimes follows close behind
I travel great distances as I wander with no place in mind

I am free, I am the wind.